Spey Room - Delivered by Dr Peter Riddell
By walking through the menu functions of the implemented package CoDaPack, this one-hour workshop explains Compositional Data Analysis (CoDa) and its potential applications with quantitative research datasets. Included are the concepts of the simplex compared to the real number space, the hypothesis underlying statistical data analysis (sample space, scale), the Aitchison geometry of the simplex, coordinate representation and distributions on the simplex. A brief overview will also be provided of a normal distribution on the simplex, exploratory analysis, irregular data, using the R language with CoDa regression, cluster, MANOVA and discriminant analysis.
Participants should pre-install CoDa pack from the University of Girona (UdG) here. After the Coda Primer, as part of the Q&A, participants will be able to briefly discuss any of their research datasets that may be applicable with the CoDa method.