Industrial paper
Description: Interesting perspectives from industry and other non-academic
institutions (e.g. accounts of innovation successes,
failures, challenges, good
practice, management tools and methods, and learning).
Length: 1,200 – 1,500 words
Content: Description of the presentation (see guidance).
Acceptance process: Academic or industrial review and enrolling of one author in the conference
Review Criteria: Fit within conference theme, appropriate level of relevance for practitioners (and
recommendations for academic community).
Length: 1,500 – 7,000 words
Content: The extended abstract can be used as the basis of a paper, enhanced as appropriate, using the instructions and template provided. There is flexibility in terms of length and content presented.
Acceptance process: Automatically accepted, subject to acceptance of the extended abstract and at least one author enrolling in the conference
Length: 150 – 200 words
Content: short description of the paper (see full paper
template). This will be used by the ConferenceApp.
Slides: max 10 slides brought on the day of presentation on a USB memory stick
Time allocated: 15 minutes for presentation, 5 minutes
for questions and discussion per paper.