Click here to register for R&D Management Conference 2021.
In R&D Management, Foresight processes are applied on a regular basis to identify future developments to be integrated into strategic R&D and innovation planning.
But how does R&D and innovation itself happen in the future? This Session is dealing with the analysis of the future of R&D and innovation management itself to support companies in preparing for this future.
The key question to be addressed in this track is, how innovation will change in the future. This is especially relevant considering the influence of current trends like increasing openness, digitalisation, convergence between sectors and disciplines and last but not least, the influence of covid-19.
Analyse future developments in R&D and innovation management with a time horizon of 5 years+ (future innovation methods, scenarios on the future of R&D and innovation, the future role of innovation, future developments of single methods and tools)
Special consideration of the impact of covid-19 on the future of R&D and innovation is welcome.