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Contextual specificity in R&D Management :

Interdisciplinary management contexts and frameworks

This track explores the interaction between the innovation context – particularly scientific or technological context – and R&D management practices.  The search for general-purpose R&D management concepts and frameworks – analogous to general-purpose technologies – has dominated the R&D management field.  Yet, with their own characteristics and internal logics, individual technologies set the context for innovation and influence many dimensions of the innovation process, for example: timescales, research methods, skills requirements, capital intensity, IP strategy, financing requirements, risks, international topologies and information flows. 

Papers are encouraged that:
• concentrate on one or more specific technologies, identified at a sufficient level of granularity that their distinct characteristics can be appreciated, or
• explore how the evolution of an R&D management practice has arisen from a technological context, or
• investigate how emerging ‘deep tech’ or ‘frontier technologies’ are shaping R&D management practices, or
• are co-authored between R&D management and engineering or the sciences.


To contribute to a deeper understanding of how R&D management relates to the science or technologies being managed.  This is a more situated view of R&D management and one which should build on the participation of the Department of Pure and Applied Chemistry in this Conference.


  • Jeremy Klein 
  • Jonathan Linton  

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